Thursday, June 26, 2008

Fourth Show Delivered

I've just gotten back from the Philadelphia Inquirer headquarters at 400 North Broad Street to drop off my latest episode. This episode is an orienteering expedition in French Creek State Park, and it's definitely my farvorite one so far. The episode should go live tonight. For this episode, I met up with the only major adventure club in Philadelphia, TerraMar Adventures ( There are about 1,000 total members of TerraMar, and groups of them get together several times a week. They've been kind enough to let me join them on several upcoming explorations.

This weekend I am heading out to shoot a 24-hour adventure race for an upcoming episode going live in two weeks! I'm really looking forward to this one. I met the owner of GOALS ARA ( at the taping of this latest French Creek episode. He told me about the adventure race and invited me to come along to shoot it. An adventure race involves teams competing over a rugged course consisting of mountain biking, running, hiking and canoeing, all while carrying everything they need, such as food, water and tools.

I'll be out on the water on a boat with them, riding along with them on the trail and generally popping up everywhere I can. I've got a night vision camera to follow the race during the night as well.

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